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Learning Leadership in Radiation Oncology: What is our Core Curriculum?

August 21, 2017

What are the key elements of leadership in radiation oncology? How do we teach it so that radiation oncologists can maintain a leading role in cancer care?

Our article this month is:

Defining a Leader Role curriculum for radiation oncology: a global Delphi consensus study.

Please join Sandra Turner of Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre in Sydney as we discuss what it means to be a leader.

Our chat will begin 4AM Central Standard Time on Saturday August 26 and carry through into Sunday. Scheduling a ‘live hour’ is still in the works; stay tuned and I will update the post! The live hour is now scheduled for 6-7 PM Central Standard Time, 9-10 AM Monday in Sydney.

Here are our topic questions:

T1.  What is the best way to define leadership in radiation oncology? As part of medicine in general, or specifically to our field?

T2.   The Delphi consensus study identified 20 key elements for a leadership curriculum. What do you think?

T3.   Participants in the process were mostly from Australia. Are there specific differences in your country or region?

T4.  Who needs to learn these leadership skills? All radiation oncologists, or just certain people?

T5.  When should the learning curriculum begin – during residency, or another time?

T6.  What do you think is the best way to train radiation oncology leaders for cancer care in the future?


Thanks to Sarah Jenkins and Dr. Jens Overgaard for making the article free to download through the journal club!

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Any suggestions? Leave a comment or tweet us at @Rad_Nation. We look forward to having you join us!


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